Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Tuesday 19 May

Day 65 and I catch myself wondering if I will actually be 65 years old before we are all somewhat recovered from this thing.

Good news, though ... I saw friends today! I mean, real-flesh-and-blood, no-Zoom-glitches, everyone-can-talk-at-once friends. It was fun. And it was weird. But not as weird as I thought it might be. Imagine, we're all going to be so changed by this that hugging or kissing cheeks when you greet a friend is going to feel very passé. We're all going to have tan marks around our nose, lip and chin area from mask-wearing in the sun. And public bathrooms will seriously go out of fashion. Am I right?!

Other firsts today:

--Tim put the pool up for the season and he and the girls' swam.
--Keziah and her cousin did a joint live video on Instagram. Unfortunately, I missed all but the laughter!
--I was part of an alternative 'talk show' talking about spiritual rhythms during lockdown.
--I recorded the audio for a guided imaginative meditation and I'm loving exploring new and creative ways of creating content for my website.
--I signed up for a writer's training and support program as I laboriously work towards creating something publishable.

All in all, a creative day and well worth turning 65!
How are you celebrating the wins, people?!

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