Wednesday, 7 February 2018

If you are a young mum, this is for you

I remember what it was like to have my first baby. I felt powerful and exhausted, all at the same time. It was a season in life of learning to surrender my own desires - for sleep, for time alone, to be able to run without boobs that felt like melons - to the journey. 

In other words, I had to grow up, put up and shut up!

I’ve always been someone who’s a little too ambitious for my own good. I thought I could do everything - have this new baby, adjust to this great life change, and still get to the gym to work out, or go for an early morning bike ride.

In some ways, it’s true. Where there’s a will there’s a way: by making it a priority, I did manage to work exercise into my new rhythms. I lost the baby weight and made time for the things that were important to me. A super-supportive husband helped a lot, of course! All this was part of my own coping strategy; physical exercise helps to moderate the emotions, flung this way and that by hormones and lack of sleep, and it strengthens you mentally to do something that is just for you, when the rest of life is all about your new little human.

On reflection, though, I think I could have been kinder to myself, a little gentler. I would have stayed in my PJs more often, taken more naps, read more books. I still would have worked out - being comfortable in your skin is a huge gift you can give yourself - but I would have found a way to do so that was kinder, less hard work.

If only I had known then what I know now.

If I could give one gift to all new mums it would be a subscription to Beachbody On Demand. I’m not just saying that. At that season of life, I would have loved to have had access to dozens of different workout programs, put together by excellent trainers, streamed to me in my own home. There is even a program especially for this season of life, along with many others you can progress to in your own time.

The biggest advantage of this is that when you get 30 minutes in the day when your baby is taking a nap, or their dad is on hand to help, you can invest in yourself. You can get your blood flowing, re-energising your body with all that oxygen, elevating your mood and helping you to sleep more deeply when you get the chance. I guarantee that this energy expenditure will increase your energy throughout the day. And it is priceless, really, to know that in the midst of the maelstrom that is new parenthood, you are strengthening yourself to be the best parent you can be. 

Heck, you can workout in your PJs if needs be!

There are a few young mums who have joined our Whole Fitness group on Facebook. So now they’re not only exercising, but they are also part of a supportive community of people who will cheer them on and celebrate their progress.

If this sounds like something that would help you in this season of your life, do message me. I’d love to get alongside you in your journey to be a great parent and a great YOU!

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